If you want to see a really nice salute to Roy Rogers, go to Utah’s Channel 4.
Here is the link to yesterday’s story.
GOOD 4 UTAH – Wirth Watching – Looking back at the legendary Roy Rogers
They did a great job! Cheryl
Mar 09
If you want to see a really nice salute to Roy Rogers, go to Utah’s Channel 4.
Here is the link to yesterday’s story.
GOOD 4 UTAH – Wirth Watching – Looking back at the legendary Roy Rogers
They did a great job! Cheryl
Mar 05
In July, 1945, Dad received a notarized letter from Joseph Klein & Co., “World’s largest complete fan mail organization” stating —
“Dear Mr. Rogers: This is to certify that we have received from the United States postal service, for you, fan mail in the amount of 422,511 pieces, during the six month period ending June 30, 1945.
With best wishes for your continued success, I am
Cordially Joseph Klein
Even today, that would be a lot of mail (not email) for six months! Incredible!