Reply to Cher about Triggers

Dad on original Trigger                           Dad on Little Trigger                       Dad on Trigger Jr.

I just got the nicest email from Cher, one of you subscribers.  She was talking about her love of Trigger and how she was able to tell the Triggers apart. Above are pictures of the 3 Triggers.

Cher asked me what I know about Little Trigger.  Well, it’s not much! As I say in my latest book, “Cowboy Princess Rides Again,” I have never found any paper work on Little Trigger. After making a trip up to around Logan, Utah a couple of years ago, I now think that Little Trigger was probably purchased from a ranch in far northern Utah. There is a ranch up there that has been raising palominos for many years and I know that Dad purchased several horses from them over the years. The owner’s decendents came to a book signing I was doing and showed me pictures in a scrapbook that their father and grandfather had put together. There wasn’t a picture of Little Trigger but there were photos of a couple of other horses that I recognized that Dad’s trainer, Glenn Randall, used in his palomino liberty horse act.

Cher also asked what had happened to Little Trigger, when he passed away (about a year or so before the original Trigger), Dad had the guys on the ranch (in Hidden Valley) dig a big hole and Little Trigger was buried in it.

Cher, these are the best answers I can give on your questions.

Thanks for your comment, Victor

Subscriber, Victor, commented on yesterday’s post about the Tournament of Roses Parade and remarked on the current “Classic Images” article written by my friend, Kiki Ebsen, about her dad, Buddy Ebsen.  It is a really good article!

I remember being really impressed when Kiki’s bridle broke during the Rose Parade and she borrowed a rope from Jennifer Rogers and fashioned a halter for her horse and finished the parade.  What a super horsewoman she is!!!