Roy Rogers Playing Piano?

From the left: Hugh Farr, Pat Brady, Roy Rogers, Karl Farr, Lloyd Perryman, Bob Nolan and Tim Spencer

My good friend Larry Zwisohn sent me this photo and asked when Dad (Roy Rogers) learned to play the piano?  I guess that seeing Dad sitting on the piano bench while he sings away gave Larry the idea that Dad knew what he was doing.

I thought that Larry knew everything about Dad and his musical skills. But, I had to tell him that the reason Pat and Tim have their fingers in their ears and Bob is laughing, is that Dad didn’t play piano at all.

Roy Rogers and Jimi Hendrix Together at Woodstock?

My thanks to Leo Pando, author of The Illustrated History of Trigger”, for sending me the following information.


MICHAEL LANG, the brains behind the iconic 1969 music festival Woodstock, has revealed that TV and film cowboy ROY ROGERS turned down the chance to end the three-day event.  Last night…Lang told an Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences panel discussion about the festival movie–also called Woodstock, he wanted Rogers to croon HAPPY TRAILS after JIMI HENDRI’s headlining appearance.  He said, “I had this inner dream.  I grew up listening to Roy Rogers sing Happy Trails on the radio and I thought, ‘What a perfect way to end the show.’ He was the only artist who turned us down.  He didn’t get it at all.”

That last sentence says it all! I’m sure that Dad didn’t get it!!!

By the way, Leo is revising his book on Trigger.  The revised edition will have quite a bit more information and a lot more pictures! Be sure to check this website for a release date.