The very busy Kristyn Harris made some time in her schedule for a quick interview on Along The Trail with Cheryl Rogers Barnett. At the time this interview was recorded Kristyn could not even mention she had been selected as a contestant for American Idol. We do hope to have Kristyn back in a few months to discuss her experience as a contestant on the popular show and visit with her about her trick riding, her cattle and horses. Kristyn is one of the top western music performers in the world. Being in high demand in the U.S.A. and all across Europe. In this interview Kristyn sings the classic public domain song Red River Valley and visits about some of her music and shows. Kristyn has won many awards including 2017 entertainer of the year from the Western Music Association and Entertainer of the year for the Pro Cowboy Country Artist Association. If you enjoy the Along The Trail interviews PLEASE SUBSCRIBE. Thanks