Dale Evans, Author

Here on my website I’ve written a lot about my father, Roy Rogers, but not a lot about my Mom, Dale Evans. She was a brilliant, creative, very modern woman who held what a lot of us would now consider old-fashioned values. She grew up in a time when, if women had careers, they were limited to being house keepers, cooks, school teachers and secretaries. Mom, thanks to her mother, was a really great stenographer, but she just couldn’t settle for being put into one position – she had way too much talent, energy and ambition!

When most people hear the name Dale Evans, I think they associate her with Roy Rogers or the song she wrote “Happy Trails,” or her TBN TV show “A Date With Dale” (if they are younger than 50), or with her first book “Angel Unaware.”

Mom actually wrote a whole lot of books. She wrote about anything and everything that she was interested in or that caught her attention. Her books come up on E-bay occasionally and sometimes even on Amazon.com. Her early books she wrote alone and for some of her later books, she had a co-author but the books were still inspired by her and what she wanted people to know about her beliefs.

Just about every time we moved, Mom would join a different church. That means we all joined a new church. We started out Baptists, then we were Episcopalians, Methodists,non-denominational, and, finally Presbyterian. She also read the book of Mormon, Kahlil Gibran’s “The Prophet,” books on a couple of Eastern religions and about Christian Science. But, Mom was always a Baptist at heart! That was how she grew up in Texas and that is where her heart was.


Here are some of her books that you might look for: “Angel Unaware,” “My Spiritual Diary,” “To My Son,” “Christmas Is Always,” “No Two Ways About It,” “Dearest Debbie,” “Time Out Ladies,” “Salute to Sandy,” “Finding the Way,” “The Woman At the Well” (my favorite), “Dale, My Personal Picture Album,” “cool it or lose it!,” “Where He Leads,” “Let Freedom Ring!,” “Trials, Tears and Triumphs,” “Hear the Children Crying,” “Woman,” “Grandparents Can,” “Let Us Love,” “God In Hard Times,” “The Home Stretch,” “Only One Star,” “Say Yes to Tomorrow,” “In the Hands of the Potter,” “Our Values,” and “Rainbow on a Hard Trail.”



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    • Pie on May 5, 2018 at 7:11 AM
    • Reply

    Dale is a wonderful writer! Lots of her books are free to read online and I have read several. After the book on Baby Robin, I think her best was the one about the Potter. It was helpful to me spiritually and she used the metaphor beautifully through the book.

    I wish more ‘date with Dale’ shows were available. She was a great example, still is.

  1. I have Angel Unaware and I found it a very emotional and well written. I didn’t know she had written more. Now I will look for them on line. She is a, no was a beautiful, wonderful lady. Thank you Cheryl for sharing her books with us the people who love your parents as much as you do.

  2. Dale’s “Angel Unaware,” was read by my mother, who loved the book. She read it not long before my sister Jill was born with Down Syndrome. We lost her before her 3rd birthday. It was very, very tough on Mom and I know she read “Anger Unaware” at least once again.

    • David Venerose on May 8, 2018 at 2:18 AM
    • Reply

    It was your mom and dad that drew me close to the Lord…I as a young boy in the eighties considered them my family. Before the wwjd…what would Jesus do ; I would say as a teen what would Roy do lol…and through him with the workings of our Lord got me through life as I lost my dad when I was 9 years old. I first met your dad in 1975 at an opening of a Roy restaurant in Boardman Ohio outside of Youngstown. My dad who was a huge fan introduced me to him. Later in life got to know your parents what wonderful souls they were and how proud of you Cheryl, and your family they were of how you all turned out and in keeping there memories alive. I salute you and them. I think about both of them and my dad each day. Keep up your good work in hopes of seeing you again soon. We would love to have you visit in Portsmouth sometime. Happy Trails dear…

    • Joyce Ann Gausmann on May 8, 2018 at 6:43 PM
    • Reply

    Mom’s are funny with so many “arms” reaching in so many ways. Daily events of mom doing so many things adjusting to a whole bunch of situations. Like you say Cheryl, moving, churches, schools, and us kids to just scratch the surface. I remember so vividly your mom on the Roy Rogers Show with her hands on her hips giving orders to Pat Brady and the rest of the character with a tone of don’t mess with me in her voice. Yup that’s a mom. Sure is a pleasure and honor to receive your wonderful stories. Have a wonderful day.

    • Esther D. on April 13, 2023 at 12:08 AM
    • Reply

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful information about Dale’s books! Looking forward to going to find and read several of them. I’m only 28 and find myself so hungry for real role models in this time when it feels like the “influencers” are so fake and shallow and confused. Thanks for continuing to share your parents and your own wonder legacy with us.

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