Category: Cowboy Princess

Roy Rogers and Jimi Hendrix Together at Woodstock?

My thanks to Leo Pando, author of The Illustrated History of Trigger”, for sending me the following information.   MICHAEL LANG, the brains behind the iconic 1969 music festival Woodstock, has revealed that TV and film cowboy ROY ROGERS turned down the chance to end the three-day event.  Last night…Lang told an Academy of Motion …

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Roy Rogers and Cary Grant in Partnership???

Actually it was Cary Grant, Dad, Red Skelton and Richard Widmark who were talking about forming a partnership to invest in a hotel in Acapulco, Mexico in the mid-1940s! I don’t remember anything about this (sure wish it had happened as Grant and Widmark were extraordinary businessmen!) but a friend of mine, who is a …

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